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Poem Two   |   Poem Three
Poem Two
Brittany Hood

Until the Sun sets for the Last Time I'll be There . . .

I will always be there for you,
You know you can count on me.

I'll never let you down,
But I thought  you knew.

I'll be there for you until the sun sets for the last time,
Well if you didn't know now you do.

I'd stay with you forever and watch the full moon get smaller and
smaller . . . but if you don't want me too I won't.

I love you and no matter how far away I am I will watch out for you.

I'll stay with you forever if you want me to,
But if you don't I'll watch over you.

From where ever I may be I will watch out for you,
Like a Guarding Angel you never knew about.

I'll be there always waiting; always watching for you; but if you don't
come . . .
                   . . . I'll only miss you.