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Poets from the Past
Below are the poets we have featured in the past:

Previous anthologies of
The Locker Room Writers & Thinkers Workshop
Bryan Sheriff, Brad Hurt, Bryce Switzer (Umfress), Jacob Springer McFarland, Amy Grace Tharp, Brandon Barrett,
Matt Goodwyn, Matt Caraway, Clay Weatherford, Bryan Skeen, Grace Hall, Armando Juarez, Yebuny Johnson,
Tyrel Chambers,Lauren Sparkman, Eryn Cosgrove, Shawn Miller, Fran McCrae, Stacy Graham, Whitney Edwards,
Tyler Earl, Machica Aubrey, Chris Bradley, Barbara Wise, Sharon Curry, Tony Gallucci

Volume 1, Issue 1
Shannon Leigh

Volume 1, Issue 2
Bryan Skeen, Reno Wilson, Amanda Rivera, Noel Monroe, Taylor Atkins, Sean Tokaz
Dorothy Casey, Angela Espinosa, Sarah Castro, Karissa Kimmel, Matthew Jackson
Taylor Simmons, Casey Sweaney, Brittany Hood, Kellyn Mosty, Bernadette Martinez
Krista Bryla, Faylon Cervantes, Dana Tyler

Volume 1, Issue 3
John Heymann

Volume 1, Issue 4
Lisa Cherubini, Jarrett Reynolds, Rebecca Lu Kiernan