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Dani Tyler

*Dani Tyler

I am 17. I left high school two years ago, and am currently in college doing a computer course - The First Diploma For ICT Practitioners. Other useless
info: I am 6"3, long black hair. I have been experimenting with poetry and songwriting from a young age, I found I had an ability, that when I was down
and moody, if I put pen to paper, it would just write itself. Later on I learned to curb the flow of emotions, and control them and form them into, hopefully,
a decent poem.

Together we live – Alone we die

As Darkness begins to entwine its grip
Around our sacred hearts and souls,
As death enters his home hearing the constant drip,
Death's found his target and he's close to his goal.
He tells the boy it's his time to die,
The boy barely acknowledges this monster before him,
He will not scream nor will he cry.
He closes his eyes and slowly begins to feel,
He feels not joy nor sorrow,
He remembers his life up to this point,
To heal--To see his past for he shall not see tomorrow.
Chaos--A myriad of images with no sense of time,
Going through his life feeling nothing but pain,
Forgotten memories coming down on him like rain.
He makes no noise as the darkness is pulled in on him,
But as he fades away an image is brought to his eyes,
An image of the one he loved--Surrounded by sin,
He felt himself die--Lifted from this plain.
With a smile upon himself--Gratefull for release.
No Matter Who You Surround Yourself With.
We All Die Alone.


Can i trust you?
Will you love me?
In this darkest day i need you,
Will you be there when i call?
I'm not asking a lot.
Will you be mine?
Can i be yours?
Could we be together forever?
Will you trust me?
Can you love me?
Questions without answers,
Answers bring new questions.
Only time will tell.

The Last Goodbye

As I write this -- know,
We are no more and never shall be.
Grief i've taken,
Love i've given,
Too long,
Too long it's been.
Leave my emotions, [Rest]
Leave my heart, [In]
Leave me be, [Peace]
Leave my life and bother me no longer.
This is my last goodbye,
This is my poem to you,
My eternal message . . .

You're poison and i'm the antidote.
So go infect someone else.
My Last Goodbye