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Steven Saldivar
Steven Saldivar
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Steven Saldivar attends Hopkinsville High School.
To My Father
I'm sorry I'm not the man you wanted me to be.
a young seed, slowly growing up to be a full mature tree.
you gave me advice, on life.
I was hard-headed, thinking I knew what was right.
now that I'm 18, I wish I had your insight.
Things were already hard for you, and mom.
Me doing wrong did not make it easier for you or her.
When you gave me words, I let my mind roam.
Now I'm all alone.
Wishing you were by my side guiding me through.
You always told me the truth.
That's something only a father can do.
You were always tough on me, at the time I hated you for it.
Now I realize I deserved it.
I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused.
I was lost, even though you tried to help me find my way.
I let my self stray in the wrong direction.
I keep on wishing, that we can go back to the days,
when we used to go fishing.
Spending quality time with my father is what I keep on missing.
I want to make you proud of me.
I'm going to succeed, If it's the last thing I do.
Father, I'm sorry if I ever disappointed you.