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Info about Submissions
PLEASE READ: These guidelines have been changed somewhat -- partly due to the volume of submissions, and partly due to misunderstandings about the purpose of this journal. If you have questions please query first. Mass mailing submissions will be rejected outright. Submissions which show an ignorance of our guidelines will probably be bounced as well. Priority for publication will be established in this manner: a) Texas student writers; b) other student writers; c) invited practicing writers; d) blind submissions from practicing writers. Therefore please include your hometown, state, country, age and name of your school (if any). Thanks, tg.
Submissions are acceptable from students and practicing poets and writers by e-mail, but please understand that this journal is intended as a vehicle for student poets, and that "professional" poets and writers are generally published by invitation. Send Microsoft Word attachments or cut and paste your work into an e-mail block. Please limit poems to no more than five; send one story up to 3,000 words; it is okay to send works in both categories in a single submission. Other forms, or pieces outside the limits, may be considered -- please query. Works may be previously published but are acceptable by invitation only (do not send unsolicited, previously submitted works). Copyright must have reverted to the author, and acknowledgment of the previous publication is required. We do not accept and will not post works simultaneously. Please notify us of acceptance elsewhere. Also attach a bio of 100 words or less. We acquire first-time online serial rights only, and assume no further copyright. Copyright reverts to the author immediately on publication.
We will notify you within a week of acceptance or denial. If accepted, your work will be posted in the next issue unless we notify you otherwise. We reserve the right to make obvious corrections; revisions will be suggested, and your acceptance of them may mean the difference in acceptance or denial. We will work with you as long as you work with us.
Hints for submitting acceptable work: We are not censors per se; believing strongly in freedom of speech; but we also believe in responsibility of speech. Because this magazine is a vehicle for students, as well as professionals, we ask that you submit only works generally suitable for reading by students. Foul language, images, or innuendo are generally not acceptable, but, when so, must serve a purpose. Gratuity in these matters will make the work unlikely to be published here. We do want, and need, powerful language and usage, deep context and meaning, and serious attempts at enlightenment. Please don't send generic poetry about "life," "love," "flowers," "butterflies," "clouds," or "rainbows." Those will surely not appear on this site. "My summer vacation" stories won't either. We may be young, but we ain't dumb. Tell us a story and make it real.
Poets and authors may also be invited to read at various events sponsored by the Locker Room Writers & Thinkers Workshop. Past events have included readings at The Twig Poetry Series in San Antonio, The Texas Writers Conference, The Texas Book Festival, The Kerrville Book Festival, Wolfmueller's Books and Records, Tivy High School, and Schreiner University. Occasionally, hard copies of certain anthologies are also printed.
Good luck with your submissions. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us.
E-mail all submissions and questions to: [email protected]
-- tony gallucci, editor